With thousands of assets to manage across a sprawling network, operational efficiency is paramount to delivering reliable and cost-effective services for any organisation.

However, a New Zealand green space management organisation that we partnered with struggled with fragmented and manual asset management processes that made it difficult to gain insights into its vast asset portfolio. Teams were bogged down trying to coordinate work order scheduling, manage contractor relationships, and report on maintenance activities. The organisation recognised the need to modernise its asset management practices through a centralised technology solution.

The landscape and open space management group utilised the TechnologyOne Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) solution to automate core asset management processes. The initial EAM rollout focused narrowly on work order integration but needed more configuration and required change management for business-wide adoption. As a result, the organisation encountered low user uptake, system performance issues, and data transparency challenges.

To remedy the stalled implementation and adoption, they engaged Lánluas to review the existing solution and pave the way for TechnologyOne Enterprise Asset Management to become the business’ operational backbone. By establishing an ongoing support and enhancement program, our team of expert consultants aimed to uplift system capabilities while passing specialised knowledge onto internal system administrators. The collaborative engagement centred on optimising configurations, building internal competencies, and providing guidance to ensure the TechnologyOne Asset Management solution meets the organisation’s strategic goals.

Highlights of the project

Significantly increased work order scheduling throughput

Direct visibility into asset availability and utilisation through interactive Power BI dashboards

Improved turnaround times for corrective maintenance requests

Reporting automation yielding rich insights for planning decisions

Improved system satisfaction and user adoption

The challenge we faced

While the organisation initially adopted TechnologyOne’s Enterprise Asset Management platform to connect its asset lifecycle under a unified system, the limited scope rollout failed to account for the organisation’s intricate requirements. This resulted in a knowledge gap around best practice configurations and change management methodology resulting in lacklustre user adoption, performance issues, and minimal process improvements.

Specifically, difficulties were faced in three pivotal aspects of asset management for the organisation that designs, builds and maintains green spaces throughout New Zealand:

Work Order Throughput

The volume of inbound work orders from local government clients paired with internally generated maintenance requests overwhelmed teams and exceeded processing capacity. Work orders were scheduled in large batches that choked bandwidth and caused recurring system failures. There was no load balancing or prioritisation to smooth distribution.

Data Fragmentation

Disjointed data throughout the asset ecosystem prevented reliable reporting and analytics, which are crucial for maximising capital investments and making planning decisions. The EAM system configuration lacked thoughtful integration touchpoints to core business systems leading to manual upkeep and inconsistencies.

Internal Capability Building

Internal system administrators had critical knowledge gaps when it came to understanding the TechnologyOne Enterprise Asset Management suite of capabilities and how optimal configurations can solve business issues. The ability to support users and drive enhancements was hampered by a significant skills shortage.

These interrelated factors meant that the asset management transformation teetered on failure without swift intervention to realign the platform implementation. By engaging Lánluas, the organisation aimed to not only address discrete issues but also build internal competencies to sustain innovation beyond the project team.

The solution we offered

To tackle the trifecta of process, system, and capability challenges facing the asset management transformation, Lánluas and the green space management group co-designed an ongoing support and enhancement program to uplift asset management performance.

Configuration & Process Optimisation

Lánluas worked closely with internal process owners to analyse the configuration deeply and propose recommendations to enhance automation and reduce manual interventions. After forging consensus on proposed changes, our team of expert TechnologyOne consultants configured updates, conducted integration testing, and refined configurations based on feedback.

Dashboards & Reporting

In response to data transparency needs, we created visually rich Power BI dashboards surfacing operational metrics that enabled the organisation to monitor their asset portfolio performance. Key data points included asset availability, work order aging, and service level agreement (SLA) conformity.

Knowledge Transfer

With each process enhancement and new dashboard developed, our team of consultants placed emphasis on upskilling the internal team to sustain innovations over the long term. Using screencasts, workshops, and shoulder-to-shoulder collaboration, they drove lasting capability uplift for the client.

Ongoing reviews ensured progress was in line with project milestones, enabling continuous improvement. Under this engagement model, Lánluas has effectively become an extension of the organisation’s TechnologyOne Enterprise Asset Management transformation delivery team.

The Final Outcome

Over the multi-month engagement, Lánluas worked side-by-side with internal teams to uplift their TechnologyOne Enterprise Asset Management platform to better meet strategic goals around asset availability, regulatory compliance, and preventative maintenance. To date, work order scheduling throughput has increased significantly, and turnaround times for corrective maintenance requests have reduced considerably.

Our unique approach of embedding ourselves as true partners within the client’s team enabled us to identify and address the core challenges they faced. By prioritising detailed solution design and fostering a culture of continuous knowledge-sharing, we enabled not just short-term improvements but legitimate, long-term business transformation. This strategic, deeply collaborative method has empowered the client to sustain and build upon our shared successes independently, setting a solid foundation for future innovations and continued return on investment from the TechnologyOne system.

Adam Nichles, TechnologyOne Consultant & SAS Lead – Lánluas Consulting

Delivering Hand-in-Hand

Lánluas consultants operated as integrated members of the organisation’s cross-functional TechnologyOne Enterprise Asset Management delivery squad, including administrators, asset managers and IT, to transition the program from stagnated to thriving. By embedding within the business context, Lánluas could adapt and respond to evolving challenges and opportunities.

The collaborative approach cultivated trust and transparency, which was foundational for asking the difficult questions needed to drive breakthroughs rather than superficial gains. While progress ramped up slowly in the initial months, the solution design phase paid dividends when delivering detailed TechnologyOne configurations, given the groundwork was rooted in business realities.

As project milestones were met, the organisation’s capabilities expanded through knowledge-sharing workshops focused on both application proficiencies as well as non-technical disciplines like user adoption techniques and change management frameworks to sustain transformation post-engagement.

Internal Expertise

The landscape and open space management group now has the interdisciplinary expertise between process excellence, TechnologyOne Enterprise Asset Management configurations and user engagement to build on the solution with minimal external inputs. Lánluas’ knowledge diffusion approach means members across the asset management function can ably optimise and enhance the TechnologyOne Enterprise Asset Management platform to support innovation cycles for years to come.


By taking an iterative approach rooted in capability-building, Lánluas empowered the organisation to realise substantial and sustainable capability gains from its TechnologyOne investment that eluded them previously. The program transcended implementing point solutions by enabling business-led innovation cycles that will serve the business’ asset portfolio ambitions well into the future. This co-delivery model serves as a blueprint for how independent specialist partners can effectively transfer knowledge to see digital transformations from initiation to maturity.

Do you need help enhancing your organisation’s TechnologyOne Enterprise Asset Management system capability? Contact Lánluas to discuss how we can help unlock the full potential of your ERP system investment.

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